Talk to us: + 44 (0) 2920 331188


Workers are arguably the most important asset of any company.  Therefore, it is crucial that your staff feel valued.  Happy people are more productive, and a great workplace culture is key to attracting other talented candidates.



Bridge the Gap
  • Your people are the lifeblood of your organisation; they are one of the fundamental pillars that enable your business to succeed.  flex can be an incredible asset in helping you bridge the gap between managers and remote teams
  • As your people earn achievements on their profile, this data will be updated in real time so that you can instantly see who your star performers are
  • You can view all your peoples' bios on the platform, and flex will keep track of how many shifts they've worked so that you can instantly gauge each person's level of experience


Feel Connected
  • Employing remote workers means you may not see them at regular intervals, so flex will be instrumental in maintaining an advantageous communication channel
  • Staff contact details are easily accessible, and real time data will inform you of the best time to contact them
  • flex features a news section which can be uploaded with company blog articles, and is accessed by employees via the Myflex app