Talk to us: + 44 (0) 2920 331188


Anticipating what's coming in both the immediate and long-term future is akin to driving down a dark country lane with a broken headlight.  With flex's sophisticated reporting tools, you'll be navigating with high beams and the fog will clear, helping you to avoid potential pitfalls.  Stay on the track to success.



Recruit With Ease
  • Workers sign up to become flexers using the Myflex app
  • This provides you with a pool of skilled people who will deliver a quality service to your clients
  • Right-to-work checks are almost instantaneous using our ground-breaking facial recognition technology
  • The Myflex app allows workers to complete personal details and upload required documentation, reducing the workload of your HR team
  • A multi-medium induction process makes on-boarding new personnel simple and efficient 



The More You Know, the Further You'll Go
  • flex utilises your data to forecast upcoming scheduling issues, such as not having enough capacity to deliver a project, or not having people with the required skill-set to deliver a successful project
  • Diagnose potential issues before they occur and avoid disastrous consequences  



Enhance Recruitment
  • Electronic contract production and the ability to store and update contracts.  Keep your team's documents safe and organised, while negating the environmental impact
  • Detailed reports underline any upcoming shortages in capacity
  • This will be fundamental in driving your recruitment strategy, as you will know exactly how many new hires to make


Investment in Knowledge Pays Dividends
  • The ability to clearly see which teams are lacking certain skills will positively drive your training strategy
  • Enables you to efficiently plug any knowledge gaps and fully develop your people




Want to see how Flex can help you?
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